North of England Dalmatian Club Open Show – 17th April 2022.
Huge thank you to the North of England Dalmatian Club committee for nominating me and to the members for voting for me for this prestigious judging appointment. I had a super entry for this new venue and I was delighted with the quality of the dogs that were entered under me. I had no issue with temperaments and apart from a couple raw youngsters, everyone was happy to be there and to be gone over. Thank you to the sporting way everyone accepted my decisions and congratulated my winners.
Veteran Dog. (5,2). 1. Neath-Duggan, CH Buffrey Incognito By Dalleaf JW. B&W 7 years old only just into veteran. In superb condition, nicely muscled and a very striking stallion dog. He has an appealing expression, darkest of eyes, a masculine head and has fantastic pigmentation. He moved with reach and drive holding a level topline. A fantastic showman. Best Veteran In Show. 2. Stocks, Nospar’s Shaded Lanson. L&W 7 ½ year old, kind head with correct amber eye, appealing expression, nicely angulated and moved out well, correct tailset and catlike feet. I just preferred the reach and drive of the winner. 3) De Rozario, Dalleaf D’Accord Avec Jemblewood. 12 year old liver boy worthy of a comment He is in such wonderful condition for his age. A lovely masculine head, excellent angulation and still moving so well and balanced for his age. I wish there had been a senior veteran award today. Minor Puppy Dog. (3,2). 1. Page, Olilou Heavenly Hamilton By Winflash. 7 months old. Nicely put together B&W, densely marked with appealing expression, well broken ears and dark eyes and excellent reach of neck. He has sufficient bone for his age and he moved with good reach and drive which is a little loose at this age. He needs slightly more confidence which I’m sure will come. 2. Wootton, Tolkain Cabain. 7 month old B&W of sufficient size. He has a kind expression, and decent front and rear angulation for his age. He moved freely once settled, but I preferred the drive of my winner today. Puppy Dog. (3,3). 1. Wilkins, Gloriandus Petersburg At Salvadorada (Imp Rus). 7 month old B&W. A lot to like, masculine head with a dark eye, well broken ears and excellent pigment. Decent length of neck into strong well placed shoulders and level topline. Lovely laid back temperament. He has an excellent front and decent angulation front and rear. Moved with purpose which won him the class. 2. Smith, Rapanooey Sugar Donut. 11 month old B&W. Appealing dense pigment, and darkest of eyes, densely marked ears and a long neck leading into well placed shoulders, level topline and correct tail set. Moderate angulation and he moved with reach and drive. Junior Dog. (2,2). 1. Croft, Koroyza Viking Voyager. A correctly sized L&W, superb angulation front and rear and is so balanced, giving him his accurate movement which won him the class today. Sufficient bone and a masculine head with correct amber eye, level topline and correct tailset. On the move he had sufficient drive and could go all day long. Best Liver Dog. 2. McAloone, Perdita’s The Echo Project. B&W slightly larger than my winner but still maintains his elegance. Smart male with plenty of bone, nothing overdone, level topline and correct tailset. Catlike feet, dark eye and has sufficient angulation front and rear. Moved with purpose but I just preferred the balance of 1. Maiden Dog. (3, 2). 1. McAloone, Perdita’s The Echo Project. Repeat. Was the best mover in this class today. 2. Page, Olilou Heavenly Hamilton By Winflash. Repeat. Just lost out on maturity in this class. Novice Dog. (1,1). 1. Page, Olilou Heavenly Hamilton By Winflash. Repeat. Graduate Dog. (3,2). 1. Gardner, Wrendragge Stone The Crows. B&W, larger size male and slightly out of coat today. Has a masculine head and well broken ears, long neck leading to well placed shoulders and moderate angulation. Correct tailset, well let down hocks and catlike feet. He moved with good reach and drive. An excellent showman. 2. Hobbs & Whiting, Rapanooey Ranunculous. L&W, decent size male, well balanced with a masculine head and correct amber eye. Good length of neck and level topline with correct tail set. Catlike feet. Has sufficient bone and is nicely balanced. He moved with purpose at one with his sympathetic handler. Sadly he was a little unsettled today. Post Graduate Dog. (3, 2). 1. Croft, Sophtspot Midas Touch For Koroyza. Stylish B&W with a cheeky but appealing expression, excellent pigment on the whitest of coats, dark eye, well broken ears, and long neck leading to well placed shoulders, good depth of chest, level topline and correct tail set. On the move he had excellent reach and drive, holding his topline, and has such a look at me attitude which won him the class. He has some maturing still to do but I couldn’t deny him Reserve Best Dog today. I look forward to seeing him progress. 2. Gardner, Wrendragge Stone The Crows. Repeat. Limit Dog. (5,3). 1. Sampson, Dalstorm Golden Guinea JW. Compact B&W, appealing dark eyes and such an attractive expression and nicely marked well set ears. He is well balanced with sufficient angulation front and rear, correct tail set, catlike feet and a level topline which he held well on the move. He was the most accurate mover today tracking well and moved with balance and purpose. 2. Baker. Lancelot Des Landes D’iroise At Oneowun. Smart male with masculine head and the darkest of eyes. He has sufficient bone and is well balanced. He has an appealingly spotty face with a kind expression. Correct front and rear angulation and a correctly set tail, nicely muscled and well let down hocks. Moved with sufficient reach holding his topline well, but I felt he lacked a bit of rear drive today. Open Dog. (5, 4). 1. Richardson, Mapplewell Pocket Rocket. B&W on a larger scale but he is well balanced throughout. Fantastic dark pigment with even markings, level topline, ideal depth of chest with plenty of heart and lung room. Has sufficient front and rear angulation which allowed him to move with excellent reach and drive and holding his topline well. He has an appealing masculine head, attractive expression with the darkest of eyes. Could not deny him Best Dog today and Best Opposite Sex in show. 2. Whincup, Tamilanda Air Force One. B&W, nice size with sufficient bone and he is well balanced. He has a masculine head with broad skull, well broken ears and dark eyes. Catlike feet and well let down hocks. Good reach of neck leading to level topline and he is well angulated front and rear. He moved with purpose displaying excellent reach and drive. Veteran Bitch. (6, 2). 1. Gardner, CH Dvojica Black Again AT Wrendragge JW ShCM. B&W feminine bitch of decent size, good reach of neck into well placed shoulders and holding a level topline. Correct angulation front and rear which allowed her to move with excellent reach and drive to win her the class. Would prefer a bit less weight on her but she was well muscled and could still have done the job she was bred for even at veteran age. 2. Whincup, Rapanooey Miss Continental By Tamilanda. On a more compact size than the class winner, well balanced with reasonable reach of neck. Pretty head and expression and attractive dark eye. Correct topline and tailset and moderate angulation. Carrying a bit too much weight today but she still moved with purpose. Clearly enjoying her first time out in the ring in a while. Minor Puppy Bitch. (6, 4). 1. Brooks & De Rozario, Jemblewood Jelly Bean. Pretty feminine bitch of sufficient size and well balanced, had the darkest of eyes and an attractively marked face. Elegant head and neck, correct level topline and correct tail set, sufficient depth of chest. Dense pigment on the whitest of coats. Moderate angulation which allowed her balanced free movement. 2. Vockings, Bellehoud Tipple At Portunes naf. Pretty L&W girl, on a slightly larger scale than 1 and well balanced with decent angulation front and rear and a good depth of chest with plenty of heart and lung room. Has an attractive head with flat skull, well broken ears and amber eye. Decent length of neck, level topline and correct tailset. She moved with good reach and drive. Sadly on the stand lacked a bit of animation which did cost her today, but this will come. Puppy Bitch. (7, 6). 1. Chance & Dodds, Dotlun Apache Inch Perfect. L&W bitch of appealing shape and overall outline. Attractive expression with amber eye and a feminine head. Decent length of neck into well placed shoulders, sufficient bone with correct front and depth of chest. She is so well balanced and a compact size which allowed her to move around the ring with superb reach and drive. She could clearly go all day long even as a youngster. Such a lovely showgirl. Has a bright future I’m sure. Best Puppy In Show. 2. Lamb, Dalpetro Dotty. B&W girl, pretty feminine head and expression and the darkest pigment on a pure white coat, of sufficient size, well balanced with moderate angulation, level topline and correct tailset. She moved with sufficient reach and drive. I just preferred the movement of my winner today. Junior Bitch. (7, 5). 1. Emmet & Simons, Frankish It’s A Sin At Ellemstra. L&W bitch of decent size, sufficient bone and front and rear angulation. Has a feminine head with flat skull and well broken ears. Even markings and liver of desirable shade. She moved with purpose around the ring holding a level topline. 2. Wallington, Ailsadot Astral Lyra. Also 3rd in a nice puppy class. Liked the size of this girl and she is very well balanced. Such even markings, dense spotting on a pure white coat, the darkest of eyes. Sufficient length of neck, level topline and well set tail. Moved with purpose holding her topline. Maiden Bitch (4, 3) 1. Lamb, Dalpetro Dotty. Repeat. 2. Newton & Newton O’Brien. Cotterspot Nidderdale Lady Of Chizzmic. Repeat of puppy. B&W bitch, spottier in face, feminine head with dark eyes and dense pigment. Of compact size and well balanced. Moderate angulations and level topline which she held on the move. Novice Bitch (9, 6). 1. Tavill, Sophtspot Match Maker. B&W bitch, so very feminine, pretty head, most attractive expression with flat skull and well broken ears, dark eyes. Of sufficient size with moderate angulation front and rear. Slightly lighter marked but with dark pigment on pure white coat. Decent length neck, sufficient angulation which allowed her to move with reach and drive which won her the class. 2. Derrick, Kalokairie’s Hocus Pocus. L&W bitch, liked the type of this girl, has good angles front and rear, pretty head and correct amber eye giving an attractive expression. Catlike feet. Balanced bitch and she moved with purpose. I just preferred the movement of 1 today but not much to choose between 1 & 2, I’m sure they will change places often. Graduate Bitch. (5, 2). 1. Hobbs & Whiting, Rapannoey Ragdoll. B&W, of decent size. Appealing feminine head and expression. The darkest of eyes. Moderate angles front and rear holding a level topline and correct tailset carried with correct upward curve. Catlike feet. Accurate movement, balanced and held her topline on the move. 2. Pratt, Gatfulls Honey Bee Of Lyndalla. B&W, has many of 1’s attributes and close to call between them. Has a pretty head with a flat broad skull, well broken ears and decent length of neck into level topline. Decent bone and well balanced. Moved with reach and drive. I just preferred the movement and tail carriage of my winner today. Post Graduate Bitch. (3, 3). 1. Barry, Kalokairie Guilty Pleasure. L&W bitch. Appealing spotty face but not overdone. Correct amber eye. Correct size and very fit and well muscled, certainly could do the job she was bred for. Level topline and correct set tail with moderate angulation. Once settled on the move she had superb reach and drive and could go all day. Best Liver Bitch. 2. Sampson, Tyrodal Seven Of Nine At Dalstorm. L&W bitch, decent bone and so very well muscled. Feminine head with flat skull and well broken ears. Compact structure, level topline and correct tail set. Moved out well, balanced and sufficient reach and drive. I just preferred the movement of 1 today. Limit Bitch. (1, 1). 1. Burrows, Ellemstra Tough Cookie By Shacarlu. B&W bitch. Of correct size with sufficient angulation front and rear, excellent turn of stifle and well let down hocks. Feminine head with cheeky expression, well set on ears. I would prefer a darker eye but it didn’t score against her with her other attributes. Decent front, good depth of chest with plenty of heart and lung room. Catlike feet. She comes into her own on the move, holding her level topline and moved with reach and drive that shows she could go all day without effort. Reserve Best Bitch and Reserve Best in Show. Open Bitch. (4, 3). 1. Pratt, Sophtspot In A Heartbeat Of Lyndalla. B&W of a compact size, so balanced and everything in the right places. Level topline, correct tailset, correct angulation front and rear and excellent turn of stifle. Catlike feet. Sufficient bone and very well muscled, while maintaining her femininity. Attractive head and expression, with broad skull, planer marked and the darkest of eyes which cannot be ignored. On the move she comes into her own, moved with such purpose and drive, holding her topline absolutely level, could certainly do the job she was bred for. Couldn’t take my eyes off her, Best Bitch and ultimately Best In Show. Should be made up in my opinion. 2. Hobbs & Whiting, Sophtspot Knockout At Rapanooey. B&W bitch, a lovely mover, with excellent balance and of correct size. Catlike feet and decent bone. Correct depth of chest. Correct angulation front and rear, nicely muscled. Attractive head and expression, broad flat skull with dark eye and well set ears. Lisa Barrett.
My thanks to Leicester City Canine Society for the very well run friendly show and to my stewards for helping everything run smoothly. I was very pleased with the quality of the dogs, all were shown in clean condition.
Puppy. (2,0)1. Sims Mullabouy Magic Man For Snowspeeder. B&W dog, 9 ½ months old. Quality baby who caught my eye straight away. He has everything in the right places at this young age and is of an ideal size. Very excitable boy, balanced and moderate angles front and rear, moved well holding his topline and tracking correctly. He has a cheeky expression, with his dark eye framed by well set on ears. Catlike feet and decent bone. Lots to like about him and I will watch his career with great interest. Delighted to see the group judge agreed and gave him Utility Puppy Group 1 as well.
2. Alcock Kayjule Kepler At Dalspartan. 6 month old B&W dog, raw baby nicely put together and of ideal size, really liked his head, kind expression with dark eye. Catlike feet, level topline, which he held well on the move. He has a very good temperament. He moved out well and was nicely balanced but just a little less together at this stage than the winner.
Junior. (2,0) Repeat of puppy class.
Post Graduate. (6, 2). Tough class as any could’ve had a 1st on a different day.
1. Norgrove Sassydals Slingsby Firefly. Almost 3 yrs B&W bitch. I last judged this girl as a yearling and she has matured beautifully since then. Gorgeous head and appealing expression using her ears well to frame her face. She has a long elegant neck leading to level topline, which she held well on the move. Excellent front, deep chest and well sprung ribs. She has plenty of bone but still retains her elegance. Moderate angles front and rear and well let down hocks. She comes into her own on the move where she is just effortless and could clearly go all day. BOB.
2. Baker Lancelot Des Landes D’Irose (IMP FRA). 3 yr old B&W dog. Appealing spotty face with masculine head, attractive kind expression and the darkest of eyes. He has plenty of bone with strong front, deep chest and good shoulder, moderate angulation and is well muscled with a well developed second thigh. He moved well with drive considering the limited space of the ring. He would need a larger ring to appreciate his movement more.
Open.(3, 2). Gibbs Phadante Mr Blue Sky JW. 2 ½ year old B&W dog. Stood alone in the class but a worthy winner. All male dog, stylish, with an attractive masculine head with well framed ears, strong front with deep chest and well sprung ribs. The darkest of eyes and most appealing expression. Well angled front and rear which is demonstrated when he is on the move with excellent reach and drive holding his topline well. He’s another who would’ve benefitted from a bigger ring today. He just lost his topline on the stand in the challenge for best of breed. RBOB.
Thank you to the show society for inviting me to judge this show, and to my very capable steward for keeping me in check. I was very pleased with the exhibits who were shown in great firm condition and all had good temperaments.
Y.(2, 1) 1. Norgrove Sassydals Slingsby Firefly. 20 month old B&W bitch. Nice size girl with enough substance without losing femininity. Gorgeous head with a lovely expression and dark eye with well broken ears. Good catlike feet, nice angles front and rear, level topline held well on the move. She moved out with confidence and purpose.
PG.(4, 2) 1. Brennan Daymadals In The Mood JW. 2 ½ year old bitch B&W. Built on a larger frame but very well balanced and looked good from all angles. She has the most beautiful head and soft, kind expression with the darkest of eyes, lovely long neck down to a firm and level topline. She has an excellent front and very good feet. Very well muscled. She came into her own on the move with excellent reach and drive and could clearly go all day. She demanded my attention and she got it, really a lovely girl. BOB. Delighted to hear she later took Utility Group One. 2. Ellarby Daedalus Alfie Boe. 3 year old B&W male. Very striking boy with the loveliest masculine head with well broken ears and a nice dark eye. He is an ideal sized dog who has very good bone, good angulation and a nice level topline. He is another who was nicely muscled and could certainly do the job he was bred for. Just lost out to 1 on movement, but both lovely dogs. RBOB.
O.(5, 4) 1. Alcock Creaganbrec Face Of Beau At Dalspartan ShCM. 7 year old L&W male. Nice liver boy with kind amber eye and he is of good size. He has good catlike feet and nice topline and tailset. He’s well balanced with moderate angles. In nice condition for his age but just didn’t quite have the drive of the youngsters.
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge this well run show, and to the exhibitors for entering their dogs under me. I was very pleased with the quality of the dogs.
J.(4, 0) 1. Dodds & Pearson Dalcarla Gladys Knight. Feminine B&W bitch 15 months old, lovely expression with nice dark eyes and well broken ears. She is a nice size with good feet and a level topline, which she held well on the move. Very attentive to her handler. 2. Lamb Dalpetro Diamond.
PG.(2, 1) 1. Mather Shulune Dragon Ryder. Pretty B&W bitch with lovely kind expression and dark eyes. Lovely free flowing movement and very calmly handled. She has good feet and nice angles. Would prefer a little more femininity but she is a nice balanced bitch.
O.(7, 2) 1. Dodds & Pearson IR CH CH Kelevra Classic Cliché. Lovely size B&W bitch. Beautiful head with expressive dark eyes and shown in superb firm condition. She has excellent feet and good front and rear angulation. She showed and moved beautifully around the ring holding her topline and she could clearly go all day. I could not deny her the class and BOB. Delighted to see that she later won Utility Group 1 and BIS. 2. Dodds & Pearson Kelevra What The Dickens.
Graduate. 1st Noble’s Shulune Celtic Snapdragon. Pretty feminine liver bitch. Nice head and expression with lovely amber eye. Good feet and moderate angulations front and rear. She has good muscle and is well balanced. She moved OK considering the slippery floor of this venue. She won the class on maturity and was slightly more settled on the move than the puppy. BOB.
2nd Marley & Libbey’s Bellili’s D’Amore De Loin. Black & white male with good pigment and nice bold markings. Liked his head and expression finished with lovely dark eyes and uses his ears to advantage. Very outgoing dog and eager to please his handler. He has good reach but was just playing his hander up on the move a bit today. BP. Happy to see he was more settled in the puppy group and took group 3.
Special Yearling. 5 entered, abs 2. 1st.Bellili’s D’Amore De Loin. 9 months b&w male. Masculine head, well set ears, nice dark eye. Lovely dark pigment. He has well set tail and good feet. He held his topline well on the move with good reach and drive. Slightly larger than I would prefer but he is balanced and very much fit for function. Really happy boy enjoying his day out and very well handled. BP & RBOB. Pleased to see him take Puppy Group 3.
2nd. Cragvallie Vinnie’s Chance. 19 month old b&w male. Longer coupled than 1 but nice type and good bone. Good male head with kind expression, could make better use of his ears. Lovely dark eye, and moved okay once settled, just needs a bit more time to mature.
Post Graduate. 2 entered, 1 abs. 1st.Caldecacre Sigrid. 3 ½ year old liver bitch. Really nice sized girl who was feminine but with enough substance. Lovely rich liver colour with nice amber eye and kind expression. Good tailset and topline held well on the move. Well muscled and moved with excellent reach and drive and could clearly go all day. Just needs a little more schooling but a really lovely bitch who was very happy and outgoing. BOB. Pleased to see her take Utility Group 3.