I have owned and shown Dalmatians for over 20 years. My affix, Dalamanti, was registered in 2008 when I considered having a first litter from my foundation bitch, Chelsea. In case you who haven't already figured it out, Dalamanti is an anagram of Dalmatian. Before getting a dog, I looked for lots of Dalmatian information to make sure they were the breed for me. I looked at plenty of Dalmatian pups before finding the right dog for us.
Finally at the age of 16 years, my parents gave in and let me have my first dog, Polo. I was so proud to have my own Dalmatian at last that I wanted to show him off. I took him to Devon County Show, where he won his class and got Best of Breed. When I entered him in his first Championship show he came 3rd out of 15, qualifying for Crufts. That's when I started to get really addicted to showing.
Chelsea came along in 2007 after I had waited many years for the right litter from the dog I loved at the time, Int CH Marricdale Mr Millionaire JW, bred by Maree Kenyon. Chelsea's dam was the stunning bitch Rhuby, My Precious Marricdale, and Chelsea was the image of her. When breeding I have learnt many lessons along the way and learnt what works and how to improve on my line and the breed as a whole, which is the most important thing.
I ended up making good friends with Michelle Fort of Shulune who entrusted me with her stunning boy Diesel born in 2010, who later became CH Shulune Ice Phantom of Dalamanti VW ShCM. He achieved more than my wildest dreams and I will always be indebted to Michelle for this boy. In 2013 I put Diesel to Chelsea which produced my wonderful tempered girl Jovi. After ring trauma, she didn't win huge in the ring, though did enough to win her Junior Warrant and a Best Puppy in Show qualifying her for DOTY, but mainly she turned out to be a superb brood bitch, producing me Kiki (2017) and later Calli (2019). Calli has done what I couldn't have imagined and won her class at Crufts followed by Best Puppy Bitch against another Diesel daughter I am very proud of, Patsy (Kelevra Mind Your Nebula) bred by Stuart and Carole Pearson, which was a superb day all round for me and for Diesel's progeny. Diesel's final litter saw a combination from a girl bred by Emma Mather, owned by Caroline Hughes. A huge litter of 13 dogs, many of which are doing so well in the show ring, placing at Crufts and Caroline's own girl Faith winning a CC and 2 RCCs at the time of typing. There are also many children and grandchildren doing Diesel proud in the ring, namely owned and bred by Hazel Chance and Paula Dodds of Dotlun. I am watching their careers very proudly especially after sadly saying goodbye to Diesel in October 2023 aged 13 years and 7 months.
Kiki had her first litter in 2020 (mated pre-lockdown) producing 8 stunning babies to Diesel, all were full hearing and no blue eyes, one liver boy had a patch. From this litter I kept a mini-Diesel and called him Cooper, Dalamanti Caesars Palace. He is doing well in the ring, placing well at championship show level and winning his stud book number qualifying for Crufts for life. He has also won best of breed and groups at open show levels on many occasions.
In 2022 I bred a lovely litter combining 2 of my home bred dogs, Calli and Cooper. This was a beautiful litter, all full hearing and no blue eyes or patches. Circumstances and timing meant I couldn't keep one myself but they all have wonderful homes and I bred this litter after Kiki had missed her mating earlier in the year so that I was stil able to offer puppies to valued repeat buyers who had sadly recently lost their much adored older dogs.
After Kiki missed 2 attempted matings, when she came in season earlier than expected at the end of 2022, I decided to try one last time for a litter from her. I decided to use the stunning champion boy Harlow for this litter, CH Caprillis Panache Over Sassafras (imp USA). I'm delighted this time it worked and they produced a beautiful litter of 7 puppies. I wasn't meant to keep from this litter but the liver boy kept taking my eye, and due to a cancellation due to health reasons from one of my buyers, there became the opportunity to keep him. So the stunning liver boy became Yogi, Dalamanti Duke's Legend JW (winning his JW aged just 12 months!).
I pride myself in not breeding prolifically and doing so to improve on the breed when the time is right and not for greed, which is why I only breed when I have enough people waiting for a puppy and usually when timing means I am ready to keep another too. Usually I have a litter every year or two at most, so if you are looking for a puppy from me it is best to contact me well in advance as I usually have a full waiting list by the time my next planned litter arrives.
I am based in North Northumberland but the right puppy buyers are happy to travel from all over the country for a puppy. I do not currently allow my puppies to go abroad due to logistics of getting them back if anything were to go wrong and they needed to come back to me. This is my own preference and I know other breeders do things differently. If you would like to contact me, please email me lisa@dalamanti.co.uk.
I am a member of the Dalmatian Club of Scotland and the North of England Dalmatian Club.
As per Club rules, my dogs are BAER hearing tested normal, and any of my puppies will have hearing tests and will be Kennel Club registered before being sold.